Monday, February 2, 2009

Ice Storm 2009

These are pictures of our house and neighborhood from the ice storm. Wow is about all I can say, cause I have never experienced anything like this!


Anonymous said...

Found your blog, boy that looks familiar!!
We had a massive ice-storm up here in central Maine 1998.
We were without power for 11 days, we were lucky. We lost 2 weeks of school as well!!
Good luck!!

Rachel said...

Hey Leigh, I really enjoy following your blog and seeing pics of the kids! Hope you guys weren't without electric as long as Mom/Dad/Grandma has been! Mom and Dad still don't have electric after 9 days! Those pics are amazing of the trees. I've never seen anything like it either! They said it was a "historic" storm. Hey do you think Lauren and Cole could come spend a couple of days with us for their Spring break (if they have one after all their days off from the storm!). Just email or call me as soon as you can to let me know if they can come and when their spring break is. Take care, Rachel